Morning everyone,
Now that Helen Clifford's and Gail Howard's guest exhibition has been on for a couple of days, we'd like to share some images, both for those of you observing from afar and those who'd like to see what they can find when they make it to Pontypool. We'd also like to let you know that on May Day, so the upcoming Monday, we're going to have a special event with Helen, Gail and some other artists involved - as well as refreshments! - so if you can, come and celebrate with us in 76m2, between 2 and 4 pm, and possibly a bit longer :-)
Also, those of you who like walking should make sure they join this weekend's Red Route march for arts and culture from Merthyr to Cardiff organised by madeinroath - it's a fantastic event and part of their made in spring festival (also happening in Cardiff this weekend).
Last but not least, those of you who missed last night's Pitch Illustration Radio programme on Radio Cardiff hosted by Richard Huw Morgan and Jamie Stevenson, with Tracy Harris, Dawn Woolley, and also one of us as guests, can now listen to the podcast online for a discussion about access to art, social media and Wales!